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House Play

While this lockdown is having us stay around the house more, we have been trying to make the best of it.

I have been trying to take advantage of having these moments with the littles.

We have been playing with chalk and running around in the grass.

As a photographer I am doing more of a lifestyle documentary style of shooting which to be honest is my favorite. I love the perfect shots but really just diving deep into documenting the daily activities is more where my soul lives.

My kiddos are playing and I just pick up the camera and try to not let them see me while I take photographs of them just being kids.

This is the time for learning together and pushing myself harder to find the beauty of the every day. While that perfect shot is just amazing, some of my favorite shots are the joy and pain of the day.

I've been letting the flow of the day dictate what I photograph. I literally have been astonished with how much this kind of photography can be hard but satisfying.

Freya is in the say cheese for the camera stage and it is harder for these types of shots but I think that there is beauty in showing her what I have on the back of my camera and she gets super excited to see herself having fun.

She has become more aware of me taking photos and now is "taking" her own "photos" with her pretend camera, which is a polaroid since she "gives" me the "photo" after every shot. This has been such a joy to me see her love it so much.

Just simply looking out the front door window and playing peek a boo I have gotten some of the most innocently sweet photos of her.

As I watch her I realize just how big she has gotten over the past few months. I see her face changing and maturing. I see her hair growing long and her expressions widen in variety.

I feel myself growing and teaching myself to be more forgiving.

What an amazing thing to see right before my eyes and reflect on with every photograph.

I can't wait to see how this all will turn out by the end of the chaos. I am really excited to see growth in my photography journey and see where this will lead me.

I know that this time is stressful. I can feel anxiety creep in. I am focusing on the creative outlets I have at my disposal so that I can have a reason to stay positive and stay sane.

I know that I will look back and see so much with every photograph and I hope to see the joy in all the crazy.

I will continue to play and teach and love and hope and document it all.

I may not be able to comprehend all the loss in the world but I know I will look upon these photographs and see at least a bright spot that happened. These are the moments I want to remember.

Stay safe and Stay home! Remember this too will pass and enjoy all the little moments because they will go by fast! Document your days and have the memories to tell all the stories to your littles when they grow up!

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